Song Spotlight: Valerie June - Astral Plane

1/14/2017 01:38:00 PM

I hadn't listened to Valerie June's music before yesterday, but "Astral Plane" is one of those songs I didn't know I needed until the moment I heard it, when its unexpected necessity to the present moment in my life became instantly clear. The song has a lullaby-like calmness and serenity, a soothing optimism that is carried over into the lyrics. "Is there a light you have inside you [that] you can touch?" Valerie June asks in the opening verse before continuing, "A looking glass can only show you so much/Follow the sounds, slowly but steady; don't rush/The day will come when you are ready, just trust." After a long, tumultuous, and frequently upsetting year, it's exactly the sort of life-affirming balm that, in only a few minutes, can go a long way in helping to heal lingering wounds.

In the chorus, imagery of "dancing on the astral plane" and "floating through the stratosphere" is matched by stripped-down swathes of guitar, keyboard, and percussion that contribute to the spacious, otherworldly atmosphere. At the same time, the song remains firmly grounded due to Valerie June's subtle yet commanding vocal presence. Vaguely twangy, existing somewhere between quirky Appalachia and rootsy Americana, her voice is rough and tender in equal parts. Its complex layers of wisdom and sincerity imbue the lyrics with even greater meaning and prevent the song's message from teetering over the edge into cliche.

Valerie June's new album, The Order of Time, is scheduled for release on March 10.

As a side note, because I consider this blog my "happy place," I try to avoid getting overtly political, but it's sometimes inevitable, especially in the United States' current political environment. With the inauguration looming, I believe that all forms of resistance or protest, no matter how small, are legitimate and necessary in reminding us that none of what is happening is within the realm of normality or acceptability. For this reason, I plan to subscribe to Our First 100 Days, a musical effort to raise funds for causes that will likely be threatened by the incoming presidency, and I urge anyone reading this to consider doing so as well. A $30 minimum will grant you streaming and download access to 100 songs from 100 different artists, with proceeds going toward organizations that address climate, women's rights, immigration and fairness (more information here). The first song will be released on January 20. Many great artists will be contributing, including several I've talked about here, such as Angel Olsen, Mitski, Bully, PWR BTTM, Jens Lekman, Torres, Peter Silberman (The Antlers), and more.

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