Hello, music lovers!
8/22/2015 04:21:00 PM
I used to run a music blog from 2007-2012 (in fact, it can still be viewed here for the curious), but a combination of real life obligations and loss of interest led me to abandon it. I think I also got burned out on writing about music in general, but, lately, I've been wanting a new outlet for sharing my music-related thoughts. Hence the creation of this blog.
This was a bit of a spontaneous decision, so I'm still working out how to most effectively present content. I'm not going to post download links (unless they're legal) because I don't feel comfortable doing that and my upload speeds aren't great anyway, but the following are some ideas for posts I've been brainstorming:
- Artist Profiles: Posts dedicated to a single artist that are meant to serve as a sort of "introduction" for new listeners. Included would be a brief history, general description of their sound, comparison points, thoughts on their discography, recommended songs, etc.
- Song Spotlights: Discussion of a single song, with a more in-depth analysis of elements like lyrics, vocals, instrumentation, etc. than the artist-based posts would allow.
- Reviews: Pretty self-explanatory. These would be mostly new releases, but I could also review older albums if I've just discovered them or if I'm revisiting an old favorite. I won't review concerts because I don't have the means to go to more than a couple per year, and I'm not particularly good at concert reviews anyway.
- Mixes: Again, self-explanatory. These could be based on a particular theme, mood or sound, or they might just be compilations of my recent favorites.
- Lists: I mostly mean year-end lists, but there are also other possibilities, like ranking certain types of songs or my favorite tracks from a specific artist.
I guess my question to anyone who has stumbled upon this page is, What do you think of these? Which do you find more or less appealing? Are there any other types of posts you'd like to see?
Additionally, I'm interested in knowing which song-linking methods are most convenient. Spotify? Soundcloud? Bandcamp? Youtube? Links to purchase on iTunes or Amazon?
I'll start posting soon, but I'd love to get some feedback on these questions first, so please don't be shy! I'm always up for making new friends to talk music with. (In fact, if you'd like a better idea of my general tastes, I recommend poking around my old blog, linked above, or glancing at my Last.fm profile.) I'm also still tweaking the layout, so if anything is difficult to read/see or just downright ugly, let me know!