So this happened...
3/05/2016 11:03:00 AM
Yesterday, I put a link to my latest post up on Tumblr, as I usually do, and one of my followers shared it on Twitter (where my presence is woefully nonexistent), which ended up being seen by Zac Pennington, who had a beautiful response that I'm sharing here for posterity's sake and, yes, to boost my own ego a bit.
Anyway, less than twenty-four hours later, the post's page views are in the triple digits and still rising, which I'll admit is about ten times more than any other post has gotten. But more importantly than that, I'm incredibly happy that this was the post to blow up because I love and care about the band so much and put such effort into it that, after hitting "publish," I felt a bit like I would never outdo myself and shouldn't even try. Of course, it's also an amazing feeling to be acknowledged and appreciated by one of the bands you most admire in the world.
So if you've wandered over here by way of Twitter, Tumblr, or even random Googling, welcome, thank you for your time, and please keep checking back in the future! Despite my previous statement, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to give up writing about music anytime soon, so there'll always be more to discover. (Besides, if you like Parenthetical Girls, there's a good chance we're already musical kindred spirits, so why wouldn't you come back?)
I heard safe as houses the note I lost my virginity at age 13 drunk out of my mind