2017 in Review: Quarter 4
12/26/2017 04:58:00 PM
Normally, I view the fourth quarter of any given year as a time where interesting new releases slow to a trickle. And while that's true this year to an extent, in the sense that I finally stopped feeling like I was breathlessly trying to keep up with one stacked Friday after another, I also ended up being surprised by just how many of the most impactful releases (for me, anyway) of the year came in its last three months. Of the 17 albums in this post, I believe only four are catch-ups from earlier in the year, and seven will feature in my AOTY list (with four of those making it into the top 10)! I'll leave you to speculate a few more days as to which ones made the cut. Until then, I highly recommend any of the below albums you may not have yet heard; they've made my most personally stressful months of the year way more enjoyable than they would have been otherwise!